To avoid significant loss of revenue, a healthcare organization or a medical billing company should take care of one of their most important tasks known as AR follow up. Many face a lot of challenges while dealing with their AR follow up in medical billing. Therefore, to avoid undue worries and a significant loss in revenue collection, it is essential for them to work on a structured and streamlined process. So, it would be of great help for health businesses by outsourcing their accounts receivable follow up work to a professionally experienced and renowned medical billing service provider who can help them to save on manpower and reduce costs.

Why are claims denied?

  • Manual error while entering charges.
  • Manual error in claim creation
  • Patient ineligible for the services or inactive on the DOS.
  • Multiple claims submitted for the same DOS.
  • Coding error
  • Claims submitted to incorrect payer.

How HSR Billing Solutions will do it?

  • Pull the unpaid claims reports in different aging sections (>30, >60, >90).
  • 50% of AR team works on 90+ aging, 20% on 60+ aging and 30% on 30+ aging.
  • AR team calls the insurance or access websites to obtain the status of the claims.
  • Study the denial reason and follow up accordingly.
  • If required, appeals are created in-house and faxed to insurance.
  • Resubmit the claims which are not on file, or which are not crossed-over by primary to the secondary insurance after checking eligibility.
  • A special team is assigned claims where patient calling is required in case of some information pending from the patient,
  • If further follow up is required, the accounts are worked after every 15 days.
  • Daily report on the summary of AR work is shared. Along with this, a report on revenue collected on weekly basis and monthly basis is also shared with the clients.

Why HSR Billing Solutions?

The rule set for an AR executive is to close the account in a maximum of just three touches. HSR Billing solutions follow a policy that no claim should be over 90+ days of aging. The claims should be resolved within 90 days. For a new client, the priority of HSR Billing Solutions is to clear the backlog or claims which are of 90+ aging and then our AR team assures that the accounts are closed within 60 days. The average day in AR is 25 days for a claim to completely settle with payment. The process of collections in HSR Billing Solutions is so smooth and streamlined that the revenue flow will be consistent, and you will see a growth in your revenue collections.